
At Houston Northeast, you are not just another number, but instead, fully known.

LifeGroups are where you can find authentic community and care.

LifeGroups meet on campus on Sundays at 9 and 10:30 AM. This is where the authenticity of life is on full display, burdens are shared, and encouragement is embraced in real relationships as the great commission is lived out.

Here is a list of LifeGroups at Houston Northeast.

Find the time that is right for you to plan your visit. If you would like help finding a LifeGroup, send us an email.

  • Bill Campbell - Room 203
    Studying Psalms

    Bryce Goolsby - Room 208
    Studying Luke

    Leslie Baker - Room 209
    Studying Genesis
    Ladies Only

    Jim Gianoutsos - Room 210
    Studying 2 Corinthians

    Scott Harper - Room 211
    Studying John

    Justin Graham- Room 217
    Studying Mark
    18-23 Year Olds

  • Dave Owen - Room 203
    Studying Acts

    Nathan Locklar - Room 205
    Studying Mark

    Scott Miller - Room 208
    Studying 2 Samuel

    Pam Rubin - Room 209
    Studying Revelation
    Ladies Only

    Brandt Owens - Room 210
    Studying Hebrews

    Jared Simpson - Room 211
    Studying Daniel

    Randy Bentley- Room 217
    Studying Humility

    Randy LaLanne - Room 219
    Studying Daniel

    Dave Moore - Room 221
    Studying 1 Samuel

    Shawn Kent - Room 223
    Studying Hebrews